अनपढ़ों की महफिल में, गूँजती है बस झूठी शान

बेवकूफी की तारीफ में, बुनते हैं जो फरेब के जाल,
खुद भी रहेंगे अंधेरे में, दूसरों को भी रखेंगे बेहाल।

अनपढ़ों की महफिल में, गूँजती है बस झूठी शान,
दिखावे की दुनिया में, कैसे समझें सच्चे ज्ञान की पहचान।

Illiterate people always praises illiteracy and they allow illiterate people like them so that they will not look indifferent in them.

Listen other’s problems with attention

Listen other's problems with attention

अगर कोई तुम्हें अपनी तक़लीफ़ बताए तो ध्यान से सुनो,
क्योंकि आप सिर्फ़ सुन रहे हो, वह महसूस कर रहा है।


If someone tells you his problem, listen carefully.
Because you are just listening, he is feeling.

Love is a journey from impression to depression

इम्प्रेशन से डिप्रेशन तक पहुंचने का सफर ही इश्क हैं

It was a very tough journey and the journey is still going on. It was tough when you are in love and your partner betrayal you and you found no one with you when you need your loved ones the most during that time. It is very depressing when you see people blaming for which you have nothing to do.

It’s been 5 years now and I am still trying to overcome this situation. I am getting better but not completely healed. I know it’s a time taking process sometimes it takes months, or sometimes years.

In my perspective, love is nothing but a journey from impression to depression. It happens when you love someone with your heart, not with your mind. When you love someone with your mind, you will be happy always. It does not matter whether that person is with you or not. You will be happy.

इम्प्रेशन से डिप्रेशन तक
पहुंचने का सफर ही इश्क हैं

Love is patient, not a deal

Love is patient, not a deal

प्रेम सब्र हैं, सौदा नहीं,
इसलिए हर किसी से होता नहीं..!❤️

Love is patient, not a deal,
That’s why it doesn’t happen to everyone..!❤️

I have been patient for the last 5 years with just one hope that if I am sacrificing my love, my love will be happy forever. My parents want me to find a girl and marry again but how would I tell them that my love is only for one person who is already gone.

How to know your self-worth?

People feel broken when their partner left when they need them very badly. I think those people left their partners because they become worthless to them and they think that they will find a better partner than the current one or they have options available.

The problem is we value more to our partner’s than us. We have to understand our worth first, we have to put ourselves on top priority. Make yourself complete without anyone else. In that way, you can enjoy your own company and when you start enjoying your own company you will not be dependent and have no expectations of anyone. And that way you can stop others from hurting you. Know your self-worth first. Rest everything will fall into place.

Open letter to my dear Pooja

Dear Pooja,
You will always be the closest person to my heart. Sorry, I am still calling you wifey. From day one when I saw your photo, you are always part of my prayers. I always wanted my life with you always, remember that. Not a single day I could imagine without hearing your voice or seeing you. I always put you ahead of me in priority.

In these four and half years, I died every single day. I almost cried daily when I have thought about you in my mind. I have tried my best to get you back and to get you back I spent a lot of time. I want to admit that it was my mistake that I was trying you back because I was thinking about myself that how would I live without you. I had to understand that you have your life too and you have your dreams too. I tried to change myself and tried almost everything to fix our issues but I did never get your support. I was alone during that time. You were with your mind and I was with my heart.

I realized that it is hard for you to live with me but still I was trying to get back you. Sorry, I become selfish. Then I decided to let you go for your happiness, for your dreams, for your life. I don’t want to be a burden on your life. It was a very hard decision for me and I was aware that it will change our lives. Still, I thought if everything goes like that, no one will be happy and you would not believe but your happiness matters to me most.

I have a complaint with you that you never support me, I had dreams for you, for us. Like I always gave you chances after chances of your lies, you never gave me those chances.

From day one, I knew that you were lying to me still I trusted you and backed you and stand by your side. I was looking for some kind of support from you. But it is okay now. You chose your own way with your new life partner. Dedicate yourself to him. And then see the magic.

And don’t be afraid that I will spoil your life by telling your lies to your hubby. Revenge is not in my nature. I just want to see you happy, with me or without me. Because I LOVE YOU, dear.

Have you forgave to other person?

After a terrible relationship or a breakup, people broke completely with the pain and the hurt. For some people, it is not easy to move on from the relationship they were in. Then they start to test different things to diverse their mind. Some got succeeded and some did not.

All the people who broke and hurt went through mixed emotions like anger, forgiveness, love, hurt, broken, and many more.

If you forgive a person and you hang on to the anger the pain and the hurt and you say, you forgave the other person then you don’t understand what forgiveness really is. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for us.

When you try to engage in a new relationship to just diverse your mind, then it is not a good choice because until you heal from what you have been going through, how can you participate honestly with another person. which also means that you will be going to do the same thing that others did to you.

In my opinion, anger is necessary but in the right direction which heals you permanently. Put your anger into your growth or in other words put your anger for construction, not for destruction.

Who suffered most in a breakup, boy or girl?

A few days back, me and my friend having a conversation about one of our common friend’s breakup stories. In that story, there is a question raised that who suffered most in the breakup, boy or girl. All have their own side to view this question but in my perspective, either of boy or girl can suffer the most. It is not related to gender specific.

I strongly believe that sometimes one has to pay the extra cost and bear all the pain it can be either boy or girl. One who is attached more to their partner will suffer the most.

I’m a married man with a divorce. In my case, I am still paying costs, still bearing all the pain as she already moved on and get married again in no time after our divorce. My family always tries to convince me that I should get married soon. But they don’t know where I am standing right now. I am still standing where she left me.

Sometimes I thought that I should get married then I get another thought how about if the same thing happens again. And the hidden truth is she is still left in me. I am still living with her not physically but emotionally.

I have a strong belief in God so I already forgive her. I am strongly attached to her because she is my first love and my first love is always so special. I would prefer to bear all the pain alone because I want to see her happy. I can pay any cost for her happiness.

But the conclusion about the question we raised in our conversation is that boys take time to overcome this breakup trauma and girl easily move on.

Tum kisi ki nahi ho sakti…

Tum kisi ki nahi ho sakti... | Lie Quotes | Lost in love Quotes - I & Pooja

तुम किसी की नहीं हो सकती,
मैंने तुम्हे अपना बना के देख लिया…

तुम किसी की नहीं हो सकती , देखा है मैंने तुम्हें अपना बनाकर।
बस तुम झूठ और फरेब कर सकती हो’ लेकिन कभी तो किसी का होना पड़ेगा देखते हैं कब तक लोगों की ज़िन्दगी से खेलोगी।
जब ये बात समझ आएगी बहुत देर हो चुकी होगी। गुस्सा आता है, बहुत गुस्सा आता है लेकिन तुमसे नफरत नहीं कर पाता।