How to know your self-worth?

People feel broken when their partner left when they need them very badly. I think those people left their partners because they become worthless to them and they think that they will find a better partner than the current one or they have options available.

The problem is we value more to our partner’s than us. We have to understand our worth first, we have to put ourselves on top priority. Make yourself complete without anyone else. In that way, you can enjoy your own company and when you start enjoying your own company you will not be dependent and have no expectations of anyone. And that way you can stop others from hurting you. Know your self-worth first. Rest everything will fall into place.

Have you forgave to other person?

After a terrible relationship or a breakup, people broke completely with the pain and the hurt. For some people, it is not easy to move on from the relationship they were in. Then they start to test different things to diverse their mind. Some got succeeded and some did not.

All the people who broke and hurt went through mixed emotions like anger, forgiveness, love, hurt, broken, and many more.

If you forgive a person and you hang on to the anger the pain and the hurt and you say, you forgave the other person then you don’t understand what forgiveness really is. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for us.

When you try to engage in a new relationship to just diverse your mind, then it is not a good choice because until you heal from what you have been going through, how can you participate honestly with another person. which also means that you will be going to do the same thing that others did to you.

In my opinion, anger is necessary but in the right direction which heals you permanently. Put your anger into your growth or in other words put your anger for construction, not for destruction.